Many patients avoid crucial dental care due to fear or anxiety. Koyfman Dental offers sedation dentistry, which can help you relax for a more pleasant dental experience. Using sedation also allows us to complete procedures more efficiently.
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Dr. Koyfman: Patients come to our office, understandably, very nervous and very anxious about some of the procedures that we have to offer. And a great solution to this problem is sedation dentistry. This is a service we offer our patients, for those who are really not ready to sit through an entire dental appointment.
So sedation is something where in our office the patients will sleep through the entire procedure. They don't have to deal with the anxiety and all the nerves associated with some of these dental procedures.
The nice thing about sedation is that it's very safe and it will give the patient the opportunity for two or three hours to sleep through the procedure, where we can do not just one procedure but complete an entire series of dental procedures in that one visit.
Tracy: I had to have a couple procedures done and Dr. Koyfman was able to sedate me lightly so that I did not feel any pain and there was no anxiety. And he did everything in one fell swoop and I was out of the door within two hours. And I have no recollection of any pain before, during, or after.